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The Genie’s Out of the Bottle ~ Three Simple Steps to a Healthier You

Spring is here in New England, and change is in the air. The heavy coats are getting packed away, the sun is shining a little longer, and it’s time to swap out those baggy sweats for lighter, brighter, and more revealing attire.

But hold on—before you step into the world of sundresses, shorts, and tanks, let’s take a peek in the mirror. If winter left you with a little extra “comfort padding” around the midsection or a bit more fullness in the backside, you’re not alone. And suddenly, those cozy pull-string pants that adjusted oh-so-perfectly to last night’s pizza and ice cream binge aren’t feeling quite as supportive as they used to.

What if I told you I had a magic genie lantern that could grant you three fitness wishes? What would they be?

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